How Winter Salt Affects Your Lawn

During a cold Michigan winter, ice buildup can be a big concern.
Slipping on the sidewalk can lead to serious injuries, and your driveway can be treacherous after a heavy snowfall. This is where chemical de-icers and rock salt come in handy to add traction.
Did you know the city of Detroit sits on a rock salt mine? The mine was discovered in 1895 and spreads out over more than 1,500 acres. Easy access to rock salt makes it the primary de-icer used by Michigan cities, homeowners, and businessowners.
Unfortunately, rock salt has one big disadvantage: it can seriously damage your lawn, especially after repeated uses in the winter.
How can you protect your lawn?
- Only spread rock salt on paved areas. Be careful when you throw salt using a spreader.
- Use a short silt fence guard around your grass to keep salt and melted runoff from spilling into your lawn.
- Use other de-icing alternatives like sand, or calcium magnesium acetate (CMA).
- Hire one of the lawn care companies in Livingston County for spring lawn prep. Ever So Green is different than many of the professional companies you’ll find! You need a structured fertilization schedule to keep your lawn looking lush all year. We can help.
What Sets Ever So Green Apart from Other Lawn Care Companies in Livingston County?
We specialize in lawn care services to provide you with a beautiful, green, and healthy lawn. Relax and enjoy a beautiful lawn this season while we do the work! We take great pride in delivering expert and professional service to all our customers with:
• Full Fertilization Program
• Fertilization with Crabgrass Control Application
• Fertilization with Broadleaf Control
• Summer Fertilization with Spot Weed Control
• Mid-Summer Fertilization
• Full Fertilization with Broadleaf Control
• Turf Winterization
Noticeable results guaranteed! If you are not satisfied with the results of any treatment, simply call us; we’ll make it right. We are committed to quality service and customer satisfaction. Contact us today or Give us a call at 517-540-1100 to get started.