Catch Lawn Problems Early

Is your lawn looking dry or even turning brown in spots?
Do you worry you’re not getting enough water into the roots of your grass, or that there’s a deeper issue with your lawn?
Catching lawn issues early can save you a lot of time and money. Here are our top lawn issues to keep an eye out for…
Water Levels and Weeds
Southeast Michigan has times of rain and drought. If it hasn’t rained for a while, check to see how your soil is holding water to hydrate your lawn. Poke a screwdriver or tent stake in the lawn. If you have to muscle it in, it’s probably too dry. Dry soil gets hard, and you may see and feel thatch. If you can easily poke holes six inches deep, your grass is probably feeling good.
Check different parts of the yard. The soil under trees and bushes will stay hydrated longer, but the middle of a sunny yard might need water first. The grass will also tell you how well it’s taking up water. When you walk on it, does it spring back up or does it stay flat? If you can see your footprints for a while, the grass may need some attention.
Snow is good for our lawns, but ice and road salt are not. Livingston County gets plenty of winter stress on growing grass. Look at the parts of the lawn that might come in contact with ice melt or road salt and give them some extra care. If you see yellow or dead grass, pull up the dead thatch.
A healthy lawn doesn’t have to look like a golf course, of course, but check the color. Grass that turns from bright green to blue is grass that needs some water or a fertilizer boost. Weeds might also be a different color and texture than your healthy lawn. There’s nothing wrong with a few dandelions or a little clover, but don’t let weeds get a grip. You don’t usually have to dig them out; a healthy and thick lawn will crowd out most weeds. If crabgrass or other problem plants are spreading and the grass is dying off, you might need to do spot weed removal. But if you use weed killer products, be careful. You don’t want to damage healthy grass.
Sparse or Dry Patches
A patchy lawn or brown spots might also be signs of poor soil. If the only thing that will grow is weeds no matter how much you seed or water, you might need to add topsoil or other organic matter. Ask us about soil amendments. Our lawn care pros will be happy to give you some advice. Grass will also have trouble growing where soil is compacted by foot traffic or wheeled traffic. You can cultivate or loosen up the soil to give the roots a better chance.
When you’re trying to fix a problem lawn, be careful with fertilizer. A simple soil test can tell you what your soil needs. Don’t use more than you need. First, too much fertilizer is a waste of money – it will just run off in the next rain – and excess fertilizer is bad for Michigan’s lakes and rivers where it can feed algae. Too much fertilizer might also cause your lawn to “burn.” If your grass turns yellow a few days after you fertilize, it was probably too much or the wrong kind. We’ll balance nutrients to get the right menu for your soil and grass.
Keep an Eye Out for Grubs and Other Pests
If you’re planting flowers or a vegetable garden, you’ll dig up grubs and other larvae. Usually that’s great. It means that your soil has nutrients to support life. But some bugs will cause lawn damage. Patches of dead grass, or areas where blades of grass all have brown spots are signs that bugs may be eating the roots. Another sign of grub trouble is yellow patches that don’t green up no matter how much you water. There are also fungi that can damage lawns, especially in wet areas. It’s tricky to get rid of bad bugs while keeping the soil healthy. Ask the experts at Ever So Green. Excellent lawn care means maintaining a healthy, living system.
A healthy lawn in Livingston County will grow and thrive for three seasons with just a little love and attention, but keep an eye out for problems that can spread. We recommend that you do a simple inspection now and then, maybe while you’re waiting for the coals to be ready on your grill. It’s worth your time to treat problems early before they get out of control.
Do you need professionals to help manage your lawn? Request a quote today to see what we can do for you. Livingston County based and family owned and operated, we’ve been serving families like yours for over 20 years. Contact us today!